
“…so that you may believe.”

Over the past year, it seems that many people have died; many good people. The questions always lurk at the back of my mind: Why does God allow this? Why is it that so many people have to die? Many of them were faithful believers and kind-hearted people. Why them? I know the typical answer:… Continue reading “…so that you may believe.”


Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

It's been a hot minute since my last post. Much has happened, but I'm here to talk about that this morning. I'm here to talk about love, or rather, perfect love. In fitness training it's been proven that it is something you have to keep up in order to continually experience the benefits, which include,… Continue reading Perfect Love Drives Out Fear


The Genealogy: The Broken Covenant and The Loving God

God and the people of Israel had only just entered into a covenant. If Israel were loyal to God, He would protect and lead them. Israel agreed to this all in one accord, of one heart and mind. They told God that they would be loyal to Him and Him alone. Then Moses climbed up… Continue reading The Genealogy: The Broken Covenant and The Loving God


Because of You

It's been much too long since my last entry. Feels good to be back even if it's sporadic. But hey, you know how life gets... I was reading in the Psalms this morning, it was a chapter I've read a dozen times over, but something I'd never noticed before caught my attention, and as I… Continue reading Because of You


Genealogies: A Promise

Can you believe it? School for many people has already begun, and today begins my first day of classes for the next nine-ish months. It's another step in the journey, another chapter beginning, another page being written. I'll be honest, I'm nervous, but I'm also excited, especially since continuing on in Exodus. Unfortunately it's been… Continue reading Genealogies: A Promise


God Laughs at my Enemies

I've been struggling a lot with being afraid of things my whole life. I'm afraid of struggle, confrontations, a hard life, change, and so much more. Fears are one of my top enemies in life because they ruin my days and plague my sleep. I wish I could tell you concrete step-by-step instructions on how… Continue reading God Laughs at my Enemies


Zero Benefits to Worrying

This morning I was skimming through some old entries in my journal and my eyes caught a couple verses from Exodus 14:13, 14; NLT. The scene is just before the Red Sea is parted to allow the Israelites through, and the Egyptians are hot on their tail. The verses say: 13 - But Moses told… Continue reading Zero Benefits to Worrying


Genealogies: Rest for All

Exodus 23:10-12; NET10 - "For six years you are to sow your land and gather in its produce. 11 - But in the seventh year you must let it lie fallow and leave it alone so that the poor of your people may eat, and what they leave any animal in the field may eat;… Continue reading Genealogies: Rest for All